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Leadership in Practice

Gain an insight into your personal managerial style and competencies as a leader and accelerate your leadership capabilities for an increasingly complex world.

Through this eight-week course you will learn how you by means of better managerial communication can set the path, create development, and at the same time involve your employees in a way that includes all. In addition, we work actively with your personal style of leadership and your managerial skills.

Create energy and performance through better leadership of your employees

Explore the qualities of good leadership
As part of the course we will discuss leadership in different cultures
While training leadership we will share experiences and build up network
Get 10 ECTS points from Academy Program in Management (AU i Ledelse)

High-level training

Members of our faculty all have many years of experience in executive management. They are up-to-date on the most recent trends, new approaches and will include various contemporary empirical examples in their lectures.

The Instructor  
Charlotte Pontoppidan Wise carries many years of experience within leadership and management. Both in her own role as part of the management team at Danish Center for Leadership and Executive Global Network etc., and from experience as leadership advisor, executive coach, facilitator and trainer. Today she runs her own business, where she advises on good leadership and facilitate processes that focus on good leadership and collaboration. She works with both executive management teams, leadership pipelines and development of organizations. She holds, among other things, a Master in the Psychology of Organisations, an HD-O, Vocational education, and executive education programmes within leadership and management, from Denmark, Oxford and Asia. 

The course
Lessons will alternate between theoretical presentations, case work and exercises and will run over 12 weeks. You will participate in study groups and engage with the teacher in the total of 6 days plus an exam day at our Conference Center in Copenhagen S. In between these days, you will work with real-world business challenges and identify solutions within your own role as a leader in your company.

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Participant profile

Leadership in practice is aimed at experienced managers who wish to have put into words the knowledge that they have already obtained. The training is also suited for new managers, who wish to make the best start in their new role.
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8 weeks approx. at 09:00-16:00
Price: 16.200 kr.